Contamination and Microbial Testing Services
Air & Surface Microbial Surveys
Often, key factors which greatly impact the microbiological quality within a controlled environment remain undetected until a product, patient, or any other critical operation has been adversely affected. Microbiological sampling programs should be established to provide more than just a microbial level for comparison to statutory requirements and an identification of the recovery. If well designed, systematically collected, and clearly documented, a scientific interpretation of results by experienced contamination control personnel can allow the implementation of corrective actions, which may proactively prevent adverse outcomes in product manufacture or patient care.
Monitronics air and surface microbiological testing capabilities cover all aspects of aerobacteriology. Surveys of manufacturing environments are individually designed by developing protocols, incorporating applicable procedures presented within guidelines including Current USP <1116>, USP <797>, current IEST-RP-CC0023, current ISO 14698 series, Parenteral Drug Association Technical Reports, as well as CETA CAG 009. Monitronics instrumentation includes many microbiological air samplers to allow selection of the best-suited instrument for a given project (slit impactors, sieve impactors, centrifugal samplers, filter samplers). Our service does not stop at issuing a report, as the interpretation, statistical development of operational limits, and design of proactive monitoring programs often prove excellent service to our customers. Our goal is to truly become an extension of our customer’s internal quality assurance program. Experience in diverse operational environments ensures the design of programs that meet regulatory, operational, and business objectives.

Any service or support request is welcomed. We appreciate the opportunity to become an active team member of any project in which our specialties can be of service, no matter how large or small. Our experience in the design, operation, maintenance, and certification of air handling systems, ensures a unique perspective often unrepresented by traditional architectural and mechanical engineering project management.